A Poem That Keeps Me Strong

This is my go-to poem,

I come back to these words when I’m out of sync
The troubled world gives me advice

From making friends to what I should think.

I have a mind to silence them up

Working in stealth and slowly rising up

My mind has chatter filled all the time,

I listen to my heart, it holds the perfect rhyme.

They tell me, you have a way with words.
I tell them, words are all fluff
We need to make things happen, just talking ain’t enough!

Put your heart and soul into what you want

Eat it, drink it, dream it and give it all you’ve got.
There are many who don’t get this privilege to dream

You have this figured and still…you scream.

I wish we could draw strength from all that we have

Instead of wanting the next big thing, knowing that its bad.

There are beautiful wonders in your heart,
Dig deep inside and follow the path,

Of introspection, of mindfulness …..
of finding strength in your art.

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